By: Jimbo Brown
Growing up playing football in the South Florida Youth Football League I witnessed opponents and teammates get hit and have concussion like symptoms. We were to young to understand the damage we were causing because we emulated what we saw on the professional level. The big hits and head on head collisions became apart of the game.

The professional football players we grew up watching are now suing the National Football League for the affect concussions had on them. Over 4,500 athletes claimed the NFL concealed the dangers of concussions and rushed players back to the field while profited from them. The players who will receive compensation are suffering from dementia, depression or Alzheimer’s. When you're dreaming of playing in the NFL you don’t think about the negative effect it can have on your body. You think about how you're going to train hard so you can better you and your family situation.

I feel the NFL shouldn’t have to pay out the money granted by the Supreme Court judge. When the money was good, players weren’t thinking about health concerns. It was understood that while playing the game you will be exposed to harmful possibilities. There are big name hall of famers who are eligible and are seeking compensation; Tony Dorsett and the family of Tony Dorsett. We have to prepare the future NFL stars with the proper techniques when engaging in contact. It starts with the little kid in Gainesville, Florida or the #1 prospect in the 2015 class. The future is what you make it.
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